Independence seems important nowadays,
my dear
they say you should sleep alone in
your own bed
and be carefree if I walk out of the
they say that's what makes you sleep
but you scream, my dear
when you see my back
when you see my footsteps walking
out of the room
from your room
as if I planned to abandon you
and you don't like sleeping alone,
my dear
you like sleeping beside me
with your ear next to my heart
and your little tiny arm
on my stomach
I wonder what makes them rush this independence, my dear
and I wonder if it makes me a worse
mom in their eyes
your need of being close
but what does your need of being
close tell them, my dear?
that you're not safe enough
or that you being close
is exactly what's going to give you
the safety
that you need
for you to one day show them their dear
independence?thank you
Love/ mom
photo: Frans Nilsson
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