Saturday, October 17, 2015

It's all good practice


So i am, apparently, going to be a dad, again.
Here are some initial questions to get us starting...
We all know how babies are made, but how about fathers?
When a child is born a mother is born, but what about the father?
I mean, how many times am i going to be a dad?
Can't i just stay a dad?
Why am i always going to, and where is this place i am going to?

On tuesday we get to go for ultrasoundcheckup and it will be the first real evidence of the something growing.
I imagine the impact that will have on us, as parents, family, and the people around us.
Foremost i think it will have an impact on my son, as he gets an picture of what is happening, and what is coming.
Whatever happens at the ultrasoundcheckup, and what we find out, its all good practice.
Or as another zenmaster always says, ”Shit happens- good fertilizer.”

And between you and me, i hope i get to do more things like this.
But if not, ”Its all good practice.”

Thank you for your practice.

May the force be with you

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